
Last updated: July 4, 2018


  • A Garry's Mod server.

  • The requirements below do only apply if you are planning to use jBlacklist with MySQL.

    • MySQL Database
    • MySQLoo


    Installation Details

    1. Purchase the script from Gmodstore.
    2. Download the script from the script page.
    3. When you have downloaded the script, extract the ZIP-Archive using an unzipper like WinRAR.
    4. Drag the extracted folder to your server's addon folder.
    5. Restart your server.

    General Configuration

    Most of the configuration can be done ingame using the configuration menu. However the MySQL and blacklist configuration is an exception.

    • The general page will show configuration-options stuff like language, addon font, etc.
    • The usergroups page will let you configure what access a specific usergroup should have.

    • Instructions

      1. Login to your server using the same Steam account as you used when bought your copy of jBlacklist. (This is important as you will be the only one that has access to the configuration menu at the time)
      2. Open the configuration-window by typing !jblacklist_config in the chat or by typing jblacklist_config in your console.
      3. Browse through the different configuration options.
      4. When you are done, press the cross-icon in the top right of the window and then select save changes.
      5. You are now done configuring your addon. No server restart is required unless stated in the configuration menu.

    Blacklist Configuration

    More advanced users may want to configure some of their blacklists to be fully compatible with their server. For example if you want to add custom weapon-classes to your weapon-blacklist which jBlacklist have not detected.


    1. Navigate to addons > jblacklist > lua > jblacklist.
    2. Open the file called sh_blacklists_config.lua with a program like NotePad++, Sublime or Atom.
    3. Scroll through the different configuration-options. They all have a comment above them which describes what they do.
    4. Save the file and restart your server.

    MySQL Installation

    MySQL is a external database software. What MySQL does it that it allows you to sync blacklists between multiple servers. To use MySQL with jBlacklist you will need a MySQL server. A MySQL server should be provided with most Garry's Mod server hosts when hiring a Garry's Mod server. Otherwise a MySQL server can be hired separately or created by your own.

    Installing MySQLoo

    Most Garry's Mod server host's allow you to install MySQLoo from your server control panel. Please refer to your hoster's knowledgebase or open a support ticket with your host for instructions on how to install MySQLoo.

    Manual MySQLoo installation

    Please refer to the following page when installing MySQLoo.

    Configuring MySQL

    1. Stop your server.
    2. Navigate to addons > jblacklist > lua > jblacklist.
    3. Open the file called sv_mysql.lua and enter the MySQL connection details at the top.
    4. Make sure you change jBlacklist.UseSQL to true.
    5. Start your server and check the server console if any errors occurred.

    Updating jBlacklist

    NOTE: jBlacklist 1.x.x blacklist modules are not compatible with jBlacklist 2.0 and requires some modifications.

    1. Make sure to read the update changelogs for any further information on how to update to the addon.
    2. Stop your Garry's Mod server.
    3. Make a copy of any custom modules such as languages and blacklist modules.
    4. Make a copy of the MySQL connection configuration as well as the blacklist module configuration. (Inside sv_mysql.lua and sh_blacklists_config.lua)
    5. Download the new update from the script page.
    6. When you have downloaded the script, extract the ZIP-Archive using an unzipper like WinRAR.
    7. Remove your old jBlacklist folder from your addons folder.
    8. Drag the extracted folder to your server's addon folder.
    9. Re-install any custom languages or blacklist modules and re-apply the MySQL and blacklist module configuration.
    10. Start your server.

    Updating 1.x.x data

    Important: While converting all the playerdata your server will be put in a state where all players will be kicked and no one will be able to join. Make sure to read all instructions carefully that are shown here and in the server console.

    jBlacklist 2.0 has an upgraded storage system and therefore requires you to convert all your old playerdata if you want to keep it with the 2.0 update. Here are some instructions for server owners on how to convert your old savedata to be compatible with the 2.0 update.


    1. Be sure that you have jBlacklist 2.0 installed.
    2. Choose if you want to convert your playerdata to MySQL or SQLite by enabling or disabling MySQL. (SQLite is default)
    3. Start your server and enter the server console.
    4. Type jblacklist_convertdata into your server's console.
    5. Read the instructions shown in your console carefully before you continue.
    6. Be sure to confirm that the conversion information is correct.
    7. Type jblacklist_convertdata into your server's console again to start the conversion.
    8. The conversion should now begin. Do not turn off your server during the process. All of your currently connected players will now be kicked and your server will be locked during the process. You will be able to track the progress in your server console
    9. Your server will be unlocked when the process is finished.